We offer courses across four terms each year. Courses can consist of two or more sessions run across the term; we also offer single classes for special interest topics. Fees and charges are used to pay for tutors and materials.

Some of our courses are funded through Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE). This enables us to offer low-fee courses for concession holders and ensures that cost is not a barrier to learning.

ACFE courses are flagged in our Course Guide with the Learn Local unique course code. All other courses and classes are offered on a fee-for-service basis. We strive to offer quality courses that are affordable and accessible to all.

If our fees are a barrier to enrolling in our courses, please discuss this with us when enquiring.


Concessional fees may be available to eligible students who receive a benefit or pension, or who hold a Health Card. To find out whether you qualify for a concession please contact us on 9885 9401.


We accept cash, credit/debit cards and we also offer an EFTPOS facility at the Centre. Payments can be accepted over the phone.

EFT Details
Account Name: Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
BSB: 033-106
Account Number: 11-0866
Reference: Please reference your payment with your surname and course name

Refund Policy: please click here